Page 9 - IO1-Survey
P. 9
II. Communication of Refugee Students wit
As a second measure of refugee students’
this survey investigates the students’ fre
results are summarized in Table-10. 22% of
to their teachers during the lectures. The
statistically signi�icant. Thus, more than
their teachers.
Refugee Students Turkish Student
Girls Boys Girls Boys
Can you Always 23% < 35% 52%
ask question Sometimes 55% > 44%
to your teachers?
Table – 9: Communication of students wi
(Note: The sign ≈ means that the differe
In the same school environment, the
fraction of Turkish students who rarely as
question to their teacher is very low
relative to RS. It is 8% for Turkish girls
9% for Turkish boys. Unlike RS, there is n
signi�icant difference between Turkish gir
and boys in terms of their frequency
asking questions to their teachers. The
majority of Turkish students always ask
question to their teachers (52% and 50%).
The fraction of RS who always ask question
is very low relative to Turkish students.
Especially for RS girls, the fraction is v
low, 23% which is less than half of the
percentage of Turkish girls.
Therefore, it is revealed that the
communication of RS with their teachers is
very low relative to Turkish students in t
same class. Teachers should encourage RS
to ask question. It would not waste of tim
Instead, both refugee and Turkish students
get opportunity of better understanding.