Page 13 - IO1-Survey
P. 13

The willingness to stay in education is
  among the most important inputs of school
  adaptation.  All adaptation  policies and
  programs become meaningless and useless,
  if students  do not want to continue their
  education. Alike family help, this survey
  further  investigates the other  possible
  factors which are  capable of affecting
  willingness  to  continue education. The
  effects of Turkish language level on schoo
  continuation is reported in Table-15.   lo
   As seen, all reported Turkish language
  levels pretty high and close to “good” lev
        condition of  RS  may restrain them
  of Turkish. The results of RS boys are a b
  misleading:  the  highest  Turkish  score
           What is your
           level of Turkish language?

    Do you want to   Yes   Girls  3.98
    continue your   No   3.71      4.32
    school education?
      Don’t know   3.54      3.72

    Table –  15:The effect of refugee studen
     (Note: 5-very good, 4-good, 3-fair, 2-w
   Another factor which can affect the want
  is no signi�icant difference in average ag
  school education.
   Finally, the frequency of communication w
  determinant of the willingness to continue
  Table-17. The average communication freque
  which is slightly above the score, 2.33, o
  difference between scores are very small t
  expected,a student who does not want to st
  communication with teachers. In accordance
  communication with teachers belongs to stu

           Average age

           Girls      Boys
    Do you want to   Yes   12.62      12.51
    continue your
    school education?   Don’t know  No   12.
        12.52   12.67
   Table – 16: The effect of refugee student
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18