Page 20 - IO1-Survey
P. 20

Only 4% of Turkish students cannot
  understand math book (Table-27). But the
  percentage  of RS  who  cannot  understand
  math book is more than 10 points higher
  than Turkish students. Thus, the ratio of
  who do not understand math book is above
  the “normal rate” if there is no signi�ica
  variation  in the ability distribution  of
  refugee and  Turkish students. Since  the
  math books use  the  logic  of explaining
  topics  via text in Turkish, the level of
  Turkish  language may affect the students’
  understanding of math book.
        Table-28 indicates the effect of ref
        students’  Turkish  level  on  their
        understanding of math book. As expec
        the ability to understand the math b
        increasing with  the increase  in Tu
        level. RS who cannot understand math
        have the lowest level of Turkish lan
        Therefore,  the  ULM  project  has v
        potential to satisfy very crucial ne
        to learn math course. The fraction o
        cannot understand  math book  can be
        reduced to the “normal rate” if the
        good level of  Turkish language is
        compensated with  intensive  usage o
        universal language of math in textbo
        would be able to doing math at their
        existing Turkish level.
           What is your
           level of Turkish language?

     Do you   Yes   Girls  4.20        Boys
    understand   Somewhat   3.73      3.77
     math book?   No
        3.52   3.63
   Table – 28: The effect of refugee student
     (Note: 5-very good, 4-good, 3-fair, 2-w
   Finally, this  survey explores  whether s
  Compared to math  book, slightly higher  f
  teachers (Table-29). Unlike a book, teache
  the lessons by solving additional exercise
  learning by doing. However, the ratio of s
  as the ratio of students who cannot unders
  are very close for RS (Comparison of Table
  understand math teacher is again above the
  cannot reduce the fraction of student who
  students’ understanding. That is, as a res
  students who understand math to some exten
          Refugee Students   Turkish Student
          Girls      Boys   Girls      Boys
   Do you   Yes   <   ≈
   understand   Somewhat   54%  32%   >   64
    math teacher?
     Table – 29: Students’ understanding of
   (Note-1: The sign ≈ means that the differ
   percentage may not give 100 due to studen
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21