Page 19 - IO1-Survey
P. 19
attending 8th class. The fraction of
Turkish girls rises up to 24%.
A similar pattern is observed amon
Turkish boys (Table-25). From 5th cl
6th class, the percentage of Turkis
who think that math book is funny ab
drops from %65 to 37%, and when
come to 8th class their percentage d
to 9%. On the other hand, the ratio
Turkish boys rapidly increases fr
(at 5th class) to 27% (at 8th class)
As a result, with these high ratio
Turkish students who are bored with
book, the interest of student cannot
directed to the math class and the c
not sustainable. Urgent actions are
to attract the attention of Turkish
Like Turkish students, the percentage of
class to 8th class, the fraction of bored
Similarly, the ratio of bored RS boys rise
as the Turkish students in terms of the de
is funny. The majority of both refugee
Girls Boys
Refugee Students
5 th cl 6 th cl 7 th cl 8 th
What do you Funny 72% 66% 63% 5
think about Normal 18% 17% 17%
math book? Boring 10% 15% 18% 3
Table – 26: Thought of refugee students
not give 100 due to students who do not
The objective of math book is not to amus
math. Therefore, although the thought of s
is important, the core of the issue is whe
survey, the understandability of math book
The majority of RS think that they can und
understand the math book is %58 whic
percentage of RS girls (51%).
For Turkish students, there is no s
fraction of Turkish students who understan
higher than the ratio of RS.
Refugee Students Turkish Student
Girls Boys Girls Boys
Do you Yes 51% < 58% 73% ≈
understand Somewhat 33% > 27% 2
math book? No ≈
Table – 27: Students’ understanding of
(Note-1: The sign ≈ means that the differ
percentage may not give 100 due to studen
Only 4% of Turkish students cannot
understand math book (Table-27). But the
percentage of RS who cannot understand
math book is more than 10 points higher
than Turkish students. Thus, the ratio of
who do not understand math book is above
the “normal rate” if there is no signi�ica
variation in the ability distribution of
refugee and Turkish students. Since the
math books use the logic of explaining
topics via text in Turkish, the level of
Turkish language may affect the students’
understanding of math book.