Page 46 - IO1-Report
P. 46

KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education
                   The Universal Language of Mathematics (2018-1-TR01-KA201-059704)

               performance  of  teachers  cannot  reduce  the  fraction  of  student  who  do  not  understand  math.  But
               increase the level of students’ understanding. That is, as a result of excellent and admirable efforts of
               teachers, students who understand math to some extent are included to those who understand math.

                                                        Refugee Students           Turkish Students

                                                     Girls           Boys       Girls           Boys
                                         Yes          54%      <     64%         79%      ≈     75%
                  Do you understand   Somewhat        32%      >     21%         17%      ≈     21%
                    math teacher?
                                         No           12%      ≈     15%         4%       ≈      4%

                                       Table – 29: Students’ understanding of math teacher.
                 (Note-1: The sign ≈ means that the difference is not statistically significant. Note-2: The sum of percentage
                           may not give 100 due to students who do not reply whether they like math or not.)

               Table-30 suggest a solution to the question of what can be done to reduce the high rate of RS who do
               not understand math teacher. It also highlights the importance and potential of ULM project. Table-30
               shows the dependence between understanding math book and math teacher. The majority of RS who
               do not understand math book cannot understand math teacher. For RS girls, 42% of those who do not
               understand math book cannot understand math teacher. This rate is much higher for boys (53%). These
               ratios  decline  with  understanding  of  math  book.  Among  RS  girls  who  understand  math  book,  the
               percentage of those who understand math teacher is only 2%. For RS boys, it is only 1%.

                                                                     Do you understand
                                                                      math teacher?

                                                               Girls                   Boys
                                                        Yes    S.w.     No      Yes    S.w.     No
                                              Yes       %77     %21     %2     %90      %9      %1
                      Do you understand   Somewhat      %31     %56    %13     %23     %63     %14
                         math book?
                                              No        %29     %29    %42     %20     %27     %53
                            Table – 30: The relationship between understanding of math book and teacher.

               Thus, the contribution of ULM project in raising the fraction of students understanding math book may
               have positive effect on understanding math teacher. At this stage, the attempt to identify the direction
               of relationship between understanding math book and teacher is not needed. The positive dependence
               between variables is enough to invest in math books to make them more easily understandable.

               The natural consequence of refugee students’ lower understanding of math can easily be detected from
               the math achievements. In this survey, four basic math questions are asked, and the fraction of correct
               answers are reported in Table-31. For RS, there is an underachievement problem in math. The gap

   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51