Page 14 - IO1-Report
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education
                   The Universal Language of Mathematics (2018-1-TR01-KA201-059704)

               fathers to their children's learning development and  also strengthens their parenting and parenting
               skills.  Parents  are  addressed  as  experts  in  educating  their  children  and  learning  their  family/origin
               languages. The work is supported by and with the parents through the backpack school materials, which
               give the parents suggestions for daily changing activities with their children. The connection to the
               school is a condition for the execution of the program. Here, in class teaching, the linguistic education
               in the German language takes place parallel to the teaching of the origin language and the thematic
               work in the parent group. The school and parents’ network and  develop an education and training
               partnership that brings together the competences and the development potential of all those involved
               and facilitates the migration-sensitive, intercultural opening of the school. To sum up, the package
               involves parent materials and exercise sheets for the family language work of the parents with the girls
               and boys at home and deals with teaching materials for class plus language teaching involving exercises,
               tasks and activities for continuous language education. Overall, introductory materials for preparation,
               organisation and implementation of the program with suggestions for practical implementation are used.
               Even material for volunteers who help parents to prepare their work in the group of parents is included.
               Therefore, renewal and project topics are provided. The outcome targets a better connection between
               parents and their children’s course of education while easier taking part in it.

               Good Practice 3: Finally, additional qualifications for German as a foreign language for teachers and
               the teaching personnel in primary and secondary schools as well as for adult education and vocational
               schools are already obligatory in eleven teaching and learning universities in North Rhine-Westphalia.
               Nevertheless, also existing teachers are able to achieve the additional qualification by finishing with a
               certificate.  The  “Training  initiative  German  as  a  second  language”  is  shortened  “DaZ”  (Deutsch  als
               Zweitsprache) (Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes NRW 2019). For
               example, the University of Paderborn has embedded DaZ courses in their curriculum even before the
               Master courses. The university uses the term DaZ in two different ways: “Deutsch als Zweitsprache”
               (German as Second Language) or “Deutsch für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte”
               (German for Pupils with Migration History). In University of Paderborn’s “Bachelor of Education” DaZ
               courses are separated into seminars and lectures for those who are going to teach languages and those
               who are not. pupils necessarily have to render skills for example in the lecture “"Introduction to the
               subject  'German  as  a  Second  Language  (DaZ)'”  and  the  seminar  “Diagnosis  and  Assistance”  to  be
               equipped for children who have problems with or in the national language. In this way, future teachers
               understand that the specific culture is an important factor for all learners in school. In the courses, the
               pupils learn to deal better with refugee pupils and children with a migration background. This equips
               them to better understand difficulties and offer possibilities for an easier integration into the school
               system. The following reproduction visualizes the distinct provisions in examination regulations of the
               University of Paderborn. (University of Paderborn: Lehramtsstudiengänge 2019) The fundamental profile
               of the DaZ courses is similarly added to the courses of studies for all future teachers, from teaching in
               primary schools to high and vocational schools. (The following scheme depicts how the course of studies
               for cultural diversity looks alike. Although these courses are initially voluntary for prospective teachers
               and need to be evaluated and developed further, they have yet to become firmly established in practice.
               nevertheless, this example shows that many places have recognized the importance of training teachers
               to teach a language-sensitive curriculum with a diverse student body.

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