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 This book is an intellectual  outputs  of the
 ULM  project.  ULM  (The  Universal  Language  of
 Mathematics,  2018-1-TR01-KA201-059704)  is
 a  project  funded  by  Erasmus+  Programme  and
 carried  out  by  a  partnership  consisted  of TYCC
 (Turkey), CESIE (Italy) and IMA (Germany).

 Project Coordinator
 Dr. Mehmet Fatih Öztek (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt
 University, Department of Economics)

 Editors       Dear students, parents, and teachers;
 Bilgehan Ayık (Activity Book Team Coordinator)
 Ahmet Yasin Ayık (Quality Manager)  This book was created within the ULM Project with the objective to make the adapta-

 Authors       tion of newly arrived students easier to their new schools by using the universal lan-
 Bilgehan Ayık  guage of mathematics.
 Zeynep Arslan
 Kübra Akın
 Elif Koç      This book aims to minimize the problems that newly arrived students experience in
 Süreyya Güder  following the mathematics courses because of the language problems. This activity
 Esra Eroğlu   book will help them adapt to the new curriculum with fewer words, more shapes and
 Contributors  figures, and more mathematical expressions. This is why we call our project “The Uni-
 Ömer Öztek    versal Language of Mathematics.”
 Ali Yavuz Topuz
 Nurdoğan Türk
 Nurdamla Yıldız  With this activity book, students who do not know the language of host countries will
 Türkan Bozkurt  be able to complete the first two steps of Bloom’s taxonomy, “knowledge” and “com-
               prehension” steps, parallel to the mathematics curriculum of host countries and simul-
 Yasin Şengül  taneously with native students in their classes.  Explanations on how the activities will
               be held are translated into three languages to make them easier for our students.
 Turkey Youth Clubs Confederation
 6/2, 1403 St., 06520, Ankara, Turkey  Parents who do not know the host country’s language can still follow their children’s  mathematics lessons at home. Teachers can use this book as class activities or assign-
               ments. This book can also be used by any student who needs more basic exercises.
 February 2021
               We believe that all children can succeed with appropriate methods and tools regard-
 Image Credits  less of their backgrounds. We hope this book will help our new students put their first
 Illustrations designed by Freepik
               steps forward in their education journey.
 This publication as well as further publications
 can be accessed on:

                                                                                   The ULM Book Team

 This  work  may  not  be  translated  or  copied  in
 whole or in part without the written permission
 of  the  publisher,  except  for  brief  excerpts  in
 connection  with  reviews  or  academic  analysis.
 Use in connection with any form of information
 storage  and  retrieval,  electronic  adaptation,
 computer  software,  or  by  similar  or  dissimilar
 methodology now known or hereafter developed
 is forbidden.
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