Page 5 - ulm-infobook-italy
P. 5

        School year is divided into three-month or four-month terms, as
        established by each school. Periodic assessment takes place at the
        end of each term. For assessment purposes, the school year is divided
        into three-month or four-month terms, as established by each school.
        Final assessment takes place at the end of each school year and at the
        first-cycle State leaving examination held at the end of the third year.

        Upper Seconday Level:  For students from 14-19 years. Parents can
        enrol their children after providing a certificate of the examination taken
        at the end of the lower secondary school.
        There are two different path a student can take:
               1) General Upper Seconady Education: is delivered by six types
        of high schools specialised in the following areas:
                   -  liceo artistico – specialising in arts.
                   -  liceo classico – specialising in classical studies
                   -  liceo delle scienze umane – specialising in human sciences.
                   -  liceo linguistico – specialising in languages.
                   -  liceo musicale e coreutico – specialising in music and dance.
                   -  liceo scientifico – specialising in sciences

               For teaching purposes only, the five years of general upper
        secondary studies are organised into two periods: the first two years and
        the three last years. School year is divided into 3-month and 4-month
        terms, accordingly to the school decision. Final assessment refers to
        the procedures that take place at the end of each school year and for
        the final state examination, which is held at the end of the 5 years cycle.

               2) Vocational  Education and  Training Schools:  Specialised in
        different working sectors, such as economics and technology, service
        and crafts.

               Duration of vocational education is 4- 5 academic years. Final
        assessment varies from region to region, but usually consists of a theory
        or a written test; practical part (e.g. laboratory work, use of machines,
        problem-solving, etc.); oral exam or an interview.

               The first two years of upper secondary education are mandatory,
        whether undertaken in a general or vocational school. At the end of
        both high school and vocational  secondary school, students take a
        state examination.

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