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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education
The Universal Language of Mathematics (2018-1-TR01-KA201-059704)
(CCTE). If the child attends school regularly, the financial support will be given (Turkish Red Crescent,
2020). In addition, according to Akyüz et al. (2018) this financial support may depend on pupils’ gender
and their grades. With the CCTE the rate of enrolment of the school has increased.
Hence, to overcome these obstacles for Syrian children have encountered, there are private initiatives
and non-governmental organisations. These organisations tend to fund the refugee pupils’ school
supplies and sometimes children are trained by voluntary teachers. The teachers try to teach Turkish
curriculum. However, private schools might follow Syrian curriculum but in addition to the curriculum,
Mathematic, Science and Turkish classes must be taken in there (Taşkın and Erdemli 2018). Temporary
protection beneficiaries, without any age and gender discrimination, tend to take advantage of free
language education courses offered by Public Education Centres structured under each Provincial
Directorate of National Education. Additionally, non-governmental organizations may offer some free
language classes and vocational courses to them (Akyüz et al. 2018). Moreover, non-governmental
organizations do not only supply financial supports and academic help, they try to provide them
psychological support. As an example, the Mother Child Education Foundation (2016) stated that in
order to provide better refugee generation, in Istanbul the organization focused on psychological
treatment of the children and their families. Similarly, Provincial Directorate of National Education in
Istanbul preferred to give lots of seminars for teachers and refugees’ parents about children’s mental
situation and their healing process (Akyüz et al. 2018). The table shows numbers of school enrolment
and pupils:
Figure 9 : Syrian Children’s School Enrollment in Turkey (Akyuz et al. 2018)